Diaries are books where people keep records of what they have seen, heard, their plans or their thoughts. People enjoy keeping diaries for a variety of reasons: they may want to keep a record to reflect back on later in life, or as a place to jot down to-do lists, appointment times and more.
We can learn a lot from diaries. Anne Frank’s famous diary has taught us so much about what it was like to hide from the Nazi’s in World War Two. Samuel Pepys was alive during the Great Fire of London, and he kept a diary. His diary contains a wealth of interesting history.
A website blog, just like this one, is similar to a diary – it’s a place to record things that happen on specific dates in a company journey. It’s just like people jotting down their life journey into a diary.
An Academic Diary is the perfect solution for students – it helps them plan their day, and week, recording their successes and frustrations. Students will be able to reflect back and see how they continually improve their learning processes. It’s a Back-To-School best seller.
This year our Academic Diary includes so many student-friendly features: clear day plan with hourly slots, religious festival dates & notable dates, section for deadlines and examination dates, term dates 2019 – 2020, personal memoranda, year planner and more!

For the Academic Diaries, we’ve selected 3 in-trend colours: aqua, neon orange and silver-grey, which is further enhanced by stylish foil text on the cover.
Click HERE to view our Academic Diary 2019/20.
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