10 Fun ‘Breaktime’ Activities

Breaktime fun! In times like this it’s crucial that we unwind and relax in between intensive sessions of home-schooling or remote working. Check out 10 fun activities below for all ages! –

  1. Table Tennis! – You can easily do this at home – purchase a simple portable net from Amazon like this one and pair with our table tennis balls Hours of active fun to be had!
  2. Create your own obstacle course – inside or out – Jumping over t-shirts, darting in between chairs, cycling across the garden – be as creative as you like! Fun for all ages.
  3. Jump Rope – perfect outdoor summer activity.- Who can be the first to do 100 skips in a row? Too easy? Try it backwards!
  4. Hot Potato! – grab a ball and a team of 3 or more. Imagine the ball is on fire – pass it as quickly as you can, and don’t let it hit the floor! This also works really well with balloons.
  5. Play the Catch-Ball-Game – check out this fun productmHERE. With simple handheld velcro pads and a small ball this game can create hours of fun! Why not make it harder by standing further apart, or combining this with Piggy in the Middle?
  6. Piggy in the Middle – it’s a simple game of catch with a ‘Piggy’ in the middle. Throw the ball to each other without the ‘Piggy’ catching it!
  7. Step outside and have a quick fast paced walk – always uplifting when the sun is shining and there’s a breeze blowing. Leave your mobile phone at home if possible!
  8. Have a bubble fight! – A great way to end a busy home-schooling session on a summer’s day – check out our Bubble Gun here!
  9. Rock out some great music and get dancing – Music is a great mood changer, especially if you get up and move with it.
  10. It’s tadpole season! – Why not visit your local pond and catch some tadpoles with our Fishing Nets? Keep them in your garden in a large tub of fresh pondwater and watch their legs grow! Very fascinating for all ages.

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