The ballpoint pen – one of our fastest selling products. Did you know they’ve been around since 1938? You can guarantee the trusty ballpoint pen will be in nearly every pencil case, stationery cupboard and pen pot!

Keep reading to learn some random ballpoint pen facts! –
- Laszlo Biro, a Hungarian journalist, first invented the ballpoint pen in 1938 when he filled his fountain pen with ink from a printing press because it dried faster.
- Success for the ballpoint pen first took off (literally) when the RAF adopted it during World War II because it wouldn’t leak at high altitudes.
- Ballpoint pens work whereby a small rotating metal ball disperses ink when you write. This ball ensures the ink flows out of the pen at a constant rate and doesn’t dry up.
- On average a pen can write approximately 45,000 words.
- Ballpoint pens range in colour and designs, and most often have ink coloured blue or black, and the next most popular ink colours are red and green.
Click here to check out our U. Stationery ballpoint pens online! They’re especially popular during this Back to School season. –
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