Bookkeeping can be a tough profession at times, but it can be exciting too – get inspired by these cool accounting facts! –
- “Bookkeeping” is the only English word to contain three sets of double letters back-to-back-to-back – crazy hey! If we allow for hyphens, “sweet-tooth” is another word that has three doubles back-to-back-to-back.
- The word “debit” comes from “debitum” in Latin, meaning “what is due”. Likewise, “credit” comes from “creditum” meaning “something entrusted to another or a loan”.
- The co-founder of Nike is an accountant
- Italian mathematician Luca Pacioli is regarded as the father of accounting. He published the first book on double entry accounting in 1494. One of his students was famous artist Leonardo da Vinci.
- Bubble-Gum inventor, Walter Diemer, was an accountant – anyone for a mixture of number crunching and bubble blowing?!

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Happy number crunching!